• sps.hmt@gmail.com
  • Siddharth Public School
  • +91 9512501836
  • Academics

    Our Curriculum

    Siddharth Public School is affiliated with Gujarat State Secondary Education Board (GSEB) and we follow NCERT Syllabus as prescribed by GSEB. We also customize our curriculum based on local culture, resources, and available experience and talent. We believe that children learn best from nature and the environment, and we strive to make learning relevant to life.

    We supplement textbook learning by various activities/projects designed to enhance the students’ talents, abilities and skills. We follow continuous and comprehensive evaluation techniques with the objective of holistic development of the child. Quality education is of utmost importance to us, and we seek to provide learning that ensures students do not have to attend tuitions.


    Career Counselling

    At SPS, our aim is to spot talent and potential at an early age, and accordingly shape students for appropriate career choices.

    We give special attention to each child and meet regularly with parents to update them about the progress of their ward.  Our interactions with parents also include information and guidance about best possible career opportunities for the child based on interest, talent and aptitude.